Monday, June 27, 2005

yOz gaLz!!

Assalammualaikum wbt... ape kaba smua.. harap korng sihat2 belaka ye.. sowie aaaa coz aku lame tk online. ehemz! paham2 jelahh korng. huehuehuehue...

aniwei, thnx 4 ur guys wishes, present n card. hehe, sweet laa baju tu. colour pink plak tuh! colour favourite aku... haha. thnx galz! bila nk plan outin lagi?? nnti bleh laa aku pakai baju tu. hehehe.
haiz.. korng cepat sgt laa balik time kenduri doa slamat besday aku smalam. kalo tk, leh jgak korng rase cake besday aku. hmm..

aniwei, sebelum aku sign off, thnx again 4 comin. insyaAllah nnti nxt turn Suhana nye besday kitorng makan cake kat umah aku. amacam? haha. okes... im running out of idea now. nnti aku update the latest story kat blog aku jelahh ye....

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say cheeze!~

.::. oUtz..sHa .::.