Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Finally 3 of Us..

Salamz sume... hmm... After so long, finally another pic of us.. Haha! Taken during my bro's hari pertunangan... To my 2 good friends, thanks for coming! Hopefully we can meet up soon! Miz ya all! Muacks...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Andai ku tahu...

As'kum sume... Pe kabare? Hehe.. Haiz. Lame tk dgr kabo korg.. Ari tu nk kluar pun susah sbb al-maklumlah, org2 yg bekerje slalu tkde life kan.. Maybe at least for me. Haiz.. Anyway, tak lame lagi berenti lar aku dr tempat keje aku skg. Aft that, I'll prepare for my new phase of life in uni.. Alhamdullilah, I'll be taking Biz Admin in NUS... Excited benar! Hehe! Pray the best for me aits.. Maceh! Oklar.. Kalo ader lebih time, lain kali aku bebual lagi. For now, jux wanna share a song that I like so much.. Hehe.. It's called 'Andai ku tahu' from Ungu... Enjoy!

Andai ku tahu…. Kapan tiba ajalku…
Ku akan memohon tuhan tolong panjangkan umurku…

Andai ku tahu… Kapan tiba masaku…
Ku akan memohon tuhan jangan kau ambil nyawaku…
Aku takut akan semua dosa dosaku…
Aku takut dosa yg terus membayangiku…

Andai ku tahu… Malaikatmu kan menjemputku…
Izinkan aku mengucap kata taubat padamu…
Aku takut akan semua dosa dosaku… Aku takut dosa yg terus membayangiku…

Ampuni aku dari segala dosa dosaku…
Ampuni aku menangis ku bertaubat padamu…
Aku manusia yang takut neraka…
Namun aku juga tak pantas disurga…

Andai ku tahu…. Kapan tiba ajalku…
Izinkan aku mengucap kata taubat padamu…
Aku takut akan semua dosa dosaku…
Aku takut dosa yg terus membayangiku…
Ampuni aku dari segala dosa dosaku… Ampuni aku menangis ku bertaubat padamu…

~lurVe: yAkZ~

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Yay! Finally ana wrote in.. Hehe! Salamz sume... Kabo baik sume? Aku baik2 je...

Well, latest updates dari aku.. Alhamdullilah, skarang dah pun dpt keje. Yeps.. Like ana kate, keje kat maybank. Kire ok lar for this first month.. InsyaAllah will be better for months to come. Hmm.. Aku keje as bank support officer. FYI, aku dpt keje thru recruitment agency. Pape contact aku personally 2 noe where exactly.. Other den tat, I think it's betta to go apply it yourself through the bank. Right now, kat sini aku tgk2 byk keje kosong. Ko try2 lar ana.. Ner tau, kiteorg lei keje same2 kan. hehe...

Other den tat, aku jgak ngah try my luck 4 my uni admission. insyaAllah, I'll get the results this May. I'm striving hard to get into a biz degree. Tgklar canne.. Harap2 dpt. Kalo tk dpt, alamatnye cume study part time je lar.. This june aku dah grad. Yahoo!! 11 June... Nice date. Good news sbb aku dpt diploma with merit. Alhamdullilah! Sungguh aku tak sangka..

Oklar.. Tu je for my latest updates.. Senang2 update2 lar slalu yer kawanz2.. hehe.. = )


Sunday, April 01, 2007

cite aku

askum wrth yak dan sha..
apa kabooo?? how's ur hidup so far? aku hrp semuanyer berjln lancar.. sori yak, lmbt bls soalan kau kt blog ni... baru2 ni, dpt sms kau, kau dh keje kt maybank kan? suppost officer manager kan? ni gaji mesti tinggi kan? =D kakak aku tny, mcmane kau leh dpt keje tuh yak..dia pun nk. tapi is it 5 days work? aku, masih keje kt joo chiat..bos dgn family dia dh gi umrah. due to their 3-yr son wanted so much to go mekkah & he's onli got 50/50 chance to live. so the whole week i've to tk cr of the office by myself...hny radio sbg teman aku. but friday it's holiday for me!!! =D gd friday..tk kije...hehehe...i'm myself dah penat beb..whole week keje dan skolah..tkde time nk duk umah utk satu hari...but what ever it is..it's parts of parcel of life. later, can we can focus something else.=D

haa..sha lak? ape cite..mesti dh focus giler pd skolah, aktiviti dan projek besar dia. all e best 4 ur study...caiyookkk!!! huhuhu...

yak, rasa mcm tua jer ek..dh kije..dh nk masuk 20 lak tuh. bukan belas-belasan tahun...

k, gurls..tkcr..and keep in touch! may Allah's barokah and protections constantly be with u....=)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Latest Updates

Salamz sume... Pe kabo? Dah lame benar tak update eh korgz? Anyway, how's everyone doing? Setahu aku, ana dah dapat work kan? Crite lar sikit pengalamanz ko ana... hehe.. What about our dear sha? Sihat? Ape macam dengan school load ko? Ader baik? Hopefully everyone baik2 aje. I wonder biler lar kiteorg leh gi outing lagi. It's like a few months ago since we've met. Aku nie ngah tanam pokok anggur. Huahaha! Malas nak keje though mak aku bising banget kat aku. Tengoklar canne... Kalo2 aku dah rajin sikit nanti. Hehe! Wonder when will that ever be? Huahaha.... Anyway, korg2 sape2 yang bace entry aku nie... Tolong lar aku yer. Maner tau kalo ader lobang sane sini 4 work, jangan segan silu col lar aku yer. Maceh byk2... My qualifications = O Level cert. Aitz.. Hehe! Cam promote diri sendiri lak cam gini.. Ok lar. Sampai kiter berjumpe lagi. Salamz rindu sume... Sha and ana, pls update us wif ur stories aits... Looking 4ward yars...

~Muacks! Yakz...~

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Hmmmm... Rase2 nye cam terlambat pulak kalo nk kate Selamat Hari Raya pade sume. Hehe! Sry lar bz banget sampai no time to edit bloggie nie. Anyway, before that, sebelum tamatnye Hari Raya untuk tahun nie, ingin aku menyusun sepuluh jari memohom ampun dan maaf dari hujung rambut hingga ke hujung kaki sekiranye ader tersalah kate maupun terngumpat terkate sape2 yg membace entry aku nie skg. Hehe! Lagi brape ari aje dah abis Raye. Sedih aku sbb nie tahun tk dpt gitu enjoy raye. But oh well, aku bersyukur sbb ader beberape perkare yg baik yg telah terjadi sempena raye tahun nie. I'm sure I'll never ever forget this raye. Haiz... Banyak bebual pulak aku nie. Oh yer! Above is a picture taken nie tahun nye hari raye. Haha! Tiap2 tahun nye raye kiteorg slumbergalz, mesti posing2 ambik pic. Tapi syg nie tahun tk sempat lak nk ambik pic kat rumah sha. Tidak mengape, I'm sure there'll be more opportunities in the future. Ritez sha? Lol! Lawa tk pic di atas tu? Hehe... Mestilar kan... Kawan2 sape gak kalo bkn kwn2 aku. Hmmm.. Had lots of fun on that day.. Thanks to kwn2 aku. Oklar.. Tak usah aku byk bebel kat sini.. Hingga berjumpa lagi. Wassalam!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

d photos r IN!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Salamz sume! Camat berbuke puase.. Pe mcm? Puase dah masuk ke-8 hari dah.. Maceh bleh take it? Huahaha... So significant lar ari nie... 8 Ramadan-Hari Perang Badar. Betul tak? Agaknye lar... If I remember correctly... Huahaha..
Ermz... Yoz kawanz2, sry lar aku asik lupe je nk upload the photos we took that time.. Well, it's up now. Dalam photobucket kiteorg. Nie antara pic2 yg kiteorg ambik ari tu. These 2 are also my favorites. Fuyoo! Tengok aje pic dibawah.. Trying to 'kebumikan' kaki kiteorg. But hey! We still wanna our feet. Lol! Okie dokies.. Enjoy the photos! And slamat menjalani ibadah puasa.... Muacks! [Adios amigos: Yak]

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